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Swine flu vaccine - How to oneself before one of the side effect of nasal vaccines against influenza Protect

Why Do the News We Have Every night H1N1 vaccine vials for injection die assembly of line, but if we sprayed the video to see the current administration of the vaccine for children with a mist in the nose? Have you ever had  the flu nasal spray? Probably not, because it is very new medical technology. Then, in the city health authorities across the country delivered in 2009, vaccines against the H1N1 influenza virus H1N1 mainly from spray vaccine, FluMist, to knowledge. Since I am a parent, I know was FluMist May dignity Sindh was dying and risks .. I also Went to dig. Here is my report:

What is the vaccine's safety and FluMist?
The symptoms of swine flu

The FluMist vaccine contains a live virus influenza virus Andert (continuing operations is the medical term), so he know that only infects the nose and throat. There are two basic as that first deadly H1N1 virus, if it has its way to second place in the lungs, nose, throat and lungs and the radiator are dying dies at High Temperatures How FluMist virus. IF the flu nasal spray, placed in the nose to develop DM in the body begins, remain second album.
Swine flu vaccine - How to oneself before one of the side effect of nasal vaccines against influenza Protect

As good as it seems, is the major concern, know that we should keep in mind to direct our children know that a nasal spray virus. Think for a moment. A dead virus is relatively harmless, but a live virus is not living a life virus.And (contagious) for more than 21 days. Against the possible side effects of the vaccine virus H1N1 in rhinitis and cough, sore throat, like a cold to be released. Cold symptoms seem a small price to pay, rather than the initial one real effect, a potentially deadly swine.

The fact is essential for infectivity die nasal spray flu to the judging. MANY parents could keep his Tried, Or your children to feel safe spray vaccine vaccinatedThe in their schools and playgrounds where you can easily cave to spread virus are inhaled. IF it is true, and can it argues, dass die Mild strain of influenza virus is only one - do not die deadly form, die requires hospitalization - it's too early to say if you buy dieser Really issue with the virus nasal spray Living and actually live in the throat, and never his way into die lungs. There are two ways to die Do flu mist is risky by Toto, some of whom are unknown and untested.

If you are looking to get vaccinated against the flu, because you will do well to consider this risk. MANY members of the health professions, I spoke with those will go foreword on Unter Mayo Clinic, says, dass die right information and precautions to die a good spray of H1N1's ideas. Here are important things die, you die, say, to keep in mind:

There are three types of vaccines against the H1N1 virus: 1 vaccineFog spray, 2 A single-dose injection of the vaccine, and 3 doses of injectable vaccine. Of the three, is dying safest dose of the flu hit, single die. Since it is a dose disposable Thiosermal contains no preservatives, die contains mercury. What is more, know that several doses contain mercury, and even IF it is a relatively small and is not likely for most people die is toxic, can be harmful for unanimous.

IF unfortunately came close to dye in swine flu vaccine or the type of vaccine, doctor find collection. The truth of the matter is, you probably do not have a choice of 3, but when you advance the knowledge, what kind of available vaccine, precautions THERE, take you die, to die to minimize adverse effects of vaccines. Rufeno you die clinic delivery of vaccines, we live in and the questions, what kind it is.

IF you give a single dose of injection, too, we are happy. IF not do much about this vaccine to die side effects other than those ACTIVITIES minimize physical stress and exposure to extreme cold for days for some.

IF several doses are available, weigh the fact die, dass A lot of one vaccine contain mercury are low in all. Is a virus of this virus is not transmissible agent is dead. Perhaps you have mild side effects. Dies to avoid dying of physical activity, stress and cold reduce onefew days Less. Strengthening the immune system with antioxidant vitamin C and above.

IF the influence of the fog, view in this article. IF you want to pick your children against the flu mist vaccine, because you think you know that for several days Sindh contagious, ALS die in public areas near 21 as far as possible and always wash your hands frequently after blowing or rubbing the eyes , Always and Forever nose blowing your nose into a handkerchief in a bush Kleenexor cough. If you are similar symptom cold start, are treated like a disease and not just side effects of some. To drink plenty of fluids, take zinc and vitamin C every day of calm and not eat as possible (especially milk) block until you feel better.

Nobody is talking with other parents to end and not know who else knows hat or someone who had died of influenza-A form of swine flu vaccine. Ask about side effects and you die notSuspected infections. The swine flu vaccine mist is still on the display on the market and approved war. Be not naive to the fact, dass A group of large-scale use of vaccines against the flu mist is a fantastic opportunity for MedImmune die Scientific and evaluating the financial management of vaccine manufacturers. The choice is up to you if want to buy to participate in the checking.

Promote vaccination to counter the influence and to detect swine flu day.

The flu vaccine interesting story ofNasal Spray

I spoke with dozens of people, and no one has ever Heard spray vaccine outside health. The production of a vaccine spray is designed for a peaceful prozesses pharmaceutical company MedImmune die, approved in 2002, has become a market was created to inhalable vaccine. Go FluMist is sprayed on the market in 2003, an agreement with MedImmune treatment Wal-Mart in an act of vaccination in the shop are non-binding ALS to provide children.Since buyer is already in one dose syringe without a needle measured, should know that non- His vaccination requires painful and alcohol swabs, and not on the problem of disposable needles.

Immediately of this seemingly miraculous resistance encountered vaccine. [Insert a form of "have" before "known"] aspect of the spray was with one vaccine against influenza virus Live, Not One dead virus vaccine used in the whole IS. Concern war, dass in 2003 FluMist, because it's a live virus vaccine containing TO contribute canchildren patient, the infection to others. Scoring were true.

The use of the nasal vaccine in the United States was abandoned in the large scale. Parents expect a measure of a preventive vaccine is not dangerous to be right. MedImmune vaccine spray his third world, where the need for die without vaccination needles Big War, and dying were lower for safety. In countries and cultures without those, the lack of needles, die cooling for injectable vaccine, and the superstitious fear of dying serum injection and nasal spray seems a good idea and being a real lifesaver. In these communities, die of disease risk, much smaller than a spray vaccine is deadly infection, where modern medical care to die is not available, die KöSten  the vaccine effectiveness, spray a live virus is high in many countries of the Third World First World.

America should die last of the live-virus> Flu Spray, a non-death experience, to our medical standards have seen. However can without the spray, because it is easy to do, and the strong [Rewrite. H1N1 FluMist from the view of the ships to load.
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